Little Killers FAB Stuff

Monday, March 24, 2008


My pal Tiffany just had her birthday this weekend.. yes, the same weekend as jeebus zombie day. Anywho, it was a good time for all.... We all met up at Hells Kitchen and I actually got home before 12:30. Huge shocker. Anyhow, here are a few pics from all of our tomfoolery.

Tiff is in the second pic with the black and red hair. I was having trouble with the upload order of the pics..

OH CRAP by the way, there is a picture of Jayme and I from Hotrodarama '07 in issue 27 of Old School Rodz. You can buy it at borders. Sweeeeeeeeeet!

Check out our page on Ning!

Hey there party people, be sure to stop by my page on It is a cool site for etsy vintage buyers and sellers.



Thursday, March 13, 2008


Please listen to the 3 inches of Blood song below while reading this. It makes it funner! So I am calling myself that lately because I have been listing amazing stuff by the truckloads I swear. The weather is crappy the last few days and today I am attempting to let the kids scribble on and in the tub with those tub scribblers. I'll probably wanna end up shooting the inventor of that product, no doubt. Well enjoy your day, party people!
We'll be back in 2 and 2...
Chuck Woolery



Monday, March 10, 2008

Video of the night

Yet another reason why 3 inches of Blood rules. Enjoy the video below.


Sunday, March 9, 2008

The song in my head today

This is the song I've had in my head today... Go figure since I saw them play last night. Here's "What you see is what you get" by Post Stardom Depression. Great bunch of guys for reals. Always nice to see them even though if those times are few and far between.

I eat VINTAGE for breakfast!

With a title like that I'm sure you'd think I was so super serious. Ha ha ha. I have been listing on Etsy kind of obsessively trying to get 100 items listed and geez well now I am up to 108. It makes me feel better because if you only knew how much stuff I really have. Now the charm would to sell it. I don't know why I post in the promo section. It moves so fast and gets buried so fast but I do it regardless because ya never know who is gonna see what sharp witted tard comment I leave somewhere and who's actually thinking I'm hilarious. Anyhow woe is me, it is almost my one year "etsy-versary" or whatever the hell u wanna call it. Maybe I'll dance around my house in a squaredance dress while gorging my face with cheetos. Or not. Holy shitballs I can't believe I've written so much about crap about Etsy. I really do have a life outside the internet world however you might not know that because I am sitting here hungover writing this shit. Anyhow, the purpose of this post was actually to say that I have been listing rad wicked vintage and you should really check it out, yo!

Lotsa love,
