Little Killers FAB Stuff

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Marilyn Manson in Seattle

Ok, I suck for not posting this earlier. This year Marilyn Manson played The Paramount in Seattle, on Feb. 18, and I was lucky enough to tag along with my pals Elka, Lance, and Laura to the show. I haven't seen him play since, like 2001, so I was friggin' stoked as hell. I don't care what people say, I like his music and I am not one of those Marilyn Manson fishnet shirt wearin' Hot Topic bondage pants wearin' hosers. It was a good show other than security being the assholes that they can be. (up by the stage they act like insane rent a cops having too much power going to their heads) Elka and I got pushed down magically and she got a mild concussion. Yaaaa. That was cool. NOT. Anyhow, the show was rad and drinks were shitty and expensive. Mental note. Pre-funk before the show more. Nah.... At least I didn't get all shitty drunk and pass out on the way home, for reals.


Stay Classy San Diego.



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